VEHICLE: 2016 Land Rover Discovery Sport
ISSUE: Knocking noise from front suspension whilst driving
DIAGNOSIS & SOLUTION: A customer’s 2016 Discovery Sport is suffering with a knocking noise from the front suspension when driving over rough roads or speed humps. We have heard the noise on road test but have been unsuccessful in recreating the noise in the workshop. Can you help?
We are aware of a knocking noise from the front suspension on Discovery Sport models built 2015-16. The noise is due to the front shock absorber protective cap adrift. Lift up the shock absorber damper rod cover to gain access to the shock absorber protective cap. Thoroughly clean area indicated (fig 1.1.). Apply adhesive, available from Land Rover parts department, to area indicated (fig. 1.1.). Fit shock absorber protective cap into position. Repeat procedure for opposite side. DO NOT move vehicle for 6 hours to allow adhesive to cure.
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